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Sedition Art – Music Contest

We are thrilled with the participation in the Music portion of the Art of Sedition contest.  Ten entries will be judged by our friend and musician-activist Jordan Page. We think he has a really tough job ahead of him. Listen and pick out your favorite!

MUSICAL ART- original songs, jingles, hip hop, musical compositions.

  • First Place prize; $300 in BitcoinCash (sponsored by
  • Second Place prize; 7.0 ZenCash (sponsored by and a Remember Peace tee shirt (sponsored by
  • Third Place prize; 1oz Silver Card plus Peace Now tee shirt (sponsored by Roberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.
  • Runner Up prize; Signed copy of Fool’s Errand (sponsored by Scott Horton and Coffee Mug (sponsored by
  • Honorable Mention prize; Tee shirt (sponsored by and custom antiwar button set (sponsored by

Enjoy the music and spread peace by sharing this post with your friends and family.


The Squatches, Only One Here.

Stuart Frobisher, Blank Panels.

Anaetoh Peter, No More War South Sudan.

Anaetoh Peter, Peace in south sudan.

Krishnakant Vishwakarma, KK.

Michael Maharrey, Hellfire Fury.

Bentley Kalaway, An Awakened World.

Bryan DeBris aka Bryan Poland, The Kid Shouted Out , I’ve Been Robbed.

Krishna Norgbedzie, We Can Do Better.

The Bitcoin Rat.

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Sedition Art – Written Contest

We have 13 written compositions for judging in the art contest, some choose to submit their writings as an image and that is fine with us, 5 winners will receive a prize and the judging of this category will be done by Caitlin Grimes, the Global Communications Director at Student for Liberty.

WRITTEN COMPOSITION- original short essays, poetry, slogans (500 words max)

  • First Place prize; $300 in BitcoinCash (sponsored by
  • Second Place prize; 7.0 ZenCash (sponsored by and a Remember Peace tee shirt (sponsored by
  • Third Place prize; 1oz Silver Card plus Peace Now tee shirt (sponsored by Roberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.
  • Runner Up prize; written category; Peace Flag and a selection of Libertarian books (sponsored by Free Press Publications
  • Honorable Mention prize; Tee shirt (sponsored by and custom antiwar button set (sponsored by

Enjoy these writings and spread peace by sharing this post with your friends and family.



by Morgan A. Brown

I have read of the marcescent blossom, which clings to the autumn twig

Ever after it flowers and withers, and how desperately it persists.

How it withers without falling; in a sense, collapsing back upon its calyces

To find itself in shadow of a shade, cast in the darkness of its parent tree.

The Heavens declared the glory of war, and History showed its handiwork,

Day unto day while Senators uttered speech, and night to night volleyed knowledge.

Hence, the Heavens parted with a curtain of fire while the brimstone pastors preached,

And rained with an almost visible hatred upon the hapless tenants of foreign sod In an Age where wars are fought high in the heavens,

No more by gods.

Never again the old man’s pslams sung each-to-each;

No more a buckler burnished by the Sun;

No more vague visions explained to the disbelief of Chaldean ministers.

Never again the Sibylline prophecy

And the horn of our salvation on a Cumæn papyrus leaf,

Or a visionary Tower leaning towards the stars;

Never again the glory of War.

King David’s lyre is stilled, as is blind Homer’s chord.

Lichens creep around the bole where Absalom is hanging;

And his upstart glory, a pall, now passes as a sort of transcendent shadow

Dragged around an ageless wall, circumscribing the present.

A kinder Age was s’posed to come to bear for each extinct.

But Miseries seize the golden spokes and churn Dame Fortune’s wheel.

I see, coming over its hump, our Age; I see walls falling,

and chaos in the streets.

Yesterday: the mending of threads on an Abyssinian tapestry.

And now a cluster bomb is falling.

Ploughshares lie encrusted in rust, abandoned,

And the tillage untended by its usual Master

Round a blasted farmhouse near Diyala.

Never again a triumphal procession, ambling through the arches of Byzantium.

But there are nightly prayers which are whispered over the corpses of the dead

Who are yet unaware that they are dying, withering beneath these skies of fire

and lead Which are falling.

And the blood still fresh on these commended bones declare as ours:

The consortiums of folly that were Greece and the travesties of Rome.

I beg of you, now sing for me, you ballad-spinsters,

A happy psalm to mark this Age of ours.

Point out to me the glory:

How the hiemal months pandered and passed,

And the chidden leaves slept where they willed,

Still cleaving to the vestiges of headstrong youth;

Perched, as it were, upon a deathly sill.

Or sing how the threshing breeze benumbed the roots

Of every blossom still clutching to the twig.

Sing of this and sing no more the dirge of war

For we are withering on a renewed sprig—

Withering, but not falling.


Ezeoke, Ifeanyi Emmanuel


The world as we know it today is fast changing. Every day, through science and technology, it is becoming smaller – a global village as they call it.

Cultures, traditions, norms, values are melted into one ‘big pot’ yet there are cracks. Cracks created in our minds, magnified by our actions and deceptions which generates hates and leads into war, secessions, genocides etc. Cracks only love and respect disseminated correctly by the media will mend.

According to F. Roosevelt, ‘send books not guns’. Educate the human mind especially the girl child, preach love and let’s build not burn bridges. In war, no one wins, only humanity loses. This is a call to world leaders to act right, think of the generation unborn and save humanity – making the world a better place.

Our ambitions should not be worth the blood of anyone.

Pictures culled from google images.


Kym Robinson, A world apart

“I love you Daddy” she held his hand firmly, he kissed her cheek before he let her go. As he left the house he took a moment to compose his uniform.

The drive was not long, he travelled for over thirty minutes to the base. Once inside he received his briefing and joked with his uniformed familiars, his other family.

Behind the screen his expression dimmed as his face became illuminated, on the other side of the glass was another world. Thousands of miles away, he watched it and controlled a piece of it with the movement of his hands.

The hours passed, boredom and routine. The waiting and tedium was harrowing despite any present fears. Voices murmured around him as others crackled into his head set, he spoke back dull and professionally.

He looked to the photo of his family that rested alongside the screen, the only glimmer of personality in an otherwise sterile techno hub. Their smiling faces stared at him from a place and past that seemed a world away.

Though he was less than an hour away and would see them again in the morning, right now in this moment as he watched the screen he was beyond their reach.

Beyond the screen, the cameras attached to the Predator drone showed a keyhole into the other side of the Earth. The mighty bird of prey though not cloaked, was hard to see and despite the hum of its engines it was seldom heard.

Far below the Predator a village lazed in the sun, unaware its inhabitants lived as they had for generations. He could see their motion on his screen. New information came rushing into his ears and eyes.

The voices in his headset invaded his mind, he could engage. Behind him his uniformed familiars clamoured around, excited to see the unfolding spectacle. The boredom washed away, his stomach swirled with elation.

He pulled the trigger, twice.

Two fast moving missiles guided in their paths, soon found the village, consuming all that was inside their fiery grasp. He could see the destruction from his screen. Once the smoke cleared he could see the rubble and bodies strewn apart. Some writhed while others lay limp.

His shoulders pushed forward from the thumping pats, jeering applause celebrated the strike. He smiled emptily as he looked to the photo of his family. He had done his job, for them.

On the other side of the screen, far away on the ground, among the debris as flames walked and the survivors stumbled in anguish. A child squirmed from among the ruins, holding her small hand lay a man.

“I love you daddy” she cried as his bloody broken fingers slowly let her go.


TJ Thompson, Bad Guys

Bad guys must die, so
Good guys must kill them
To protect freedom
And every good thing
We’ll shower them with
Democracy and civilization
Bombs and missiles, too
Just one more war
Then peace
But what really happens?
War, rinse, and repeat
Maybe the next war
Will be the war to end all wars
War, rinse, and repeat
We annihilate communists
We annihilate terrorists
We annihilate the annihilators
But the annihilation never ends
Because of the never-ending supply
Of bad guys, bad hombres
Whose blood we can spill
All right, destroy the bad guys
But destroy the label, not the flesh
Replace it with:
The war to end all wars
Is the war raging inside each of us:
The tendency to label and demean
Versus the courage to love and forgive
Whose side am I on anyway
Good guys or bad guys?
None of the above: I choose peace


Lewis Mckeever, War (What is it good for?)

war steemit mckeever anarchy.jpg

War, the act of sending young, naive men to sacrifice themselves for the political elite isn’t noble, virtuous, or something to be commemorated. War isn’t something to be celebrated or cherished. There is no glory or honor in war; only broken bodies and perpetually tortured souls.

To ‘fight for one’s country’ is, in actual fact, to carry out the will of the tyrant. To be used as a disposable pawn in an ongoing, seemingly never-ending game of human chess where the ‘kings’ and ‘queens’ remain free from harm’s way and make a banquet of all the suffering, death, and destruction on the battlefield. To those in power, the ‘heroes’ in war are no more than ‘dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy’, as ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ winner Henry Kissinger once chillingly said.

The soldier doesn’t fight for freedom, ‘democracy’, or the common good, he fights for the Kissingers, Blairs, and George Bushes – the very enemies of freedom and all that is good in this war-torn world of their making. The tyrants, like vampires, feed off all the fear and pain, the suffering and torture, but their bloodlust can never be satiated. The wars never stop, the graveyards of young and broken men keep filling, and peace and freedom remain a pipedream.

Ending the horror and healing the trauma
“Within each one of us lies the key to our own salvation or damnation”.
How do we wake up from this nightmare and put an end to this horror? We must, as a species, regain our sanity; for we lost it a long time ago when we relinquished our power to tyrants, having mistakenly believed that our human potential is limited to voting ballots, petitions, and political theatrics. The power to create real, positive change and cultivate the conditions for peace, freedom, and prosperity in this world lies within our own hearts and minds, for we are the masters of our destiny.

We must open our hearts and minds to new possibilities, to a world where peace, freedom, and compassion is valued over war, aggression, and perpetual violence and bloodshed. A world where each man and woman is respected as sovereign, as beings of unlimited potential and unbridled sovereignty. A world where the average American doesn’t see his neighbor across the pond in Iraq as an enemy, but rather a brother of the same human family with the same basic wants and needs as himself. A world where the simple and eternal wisdom of The Golden Rule triumphs the political dictates of tyrants, and people treat each other as they would want to be treated themselves. A world where a true warrior is one who champions the ideas of freedom, peace, and non-aggression, rather than nationalism and a blind, patriotic allegiance to the state.

A world without war.


Matthew Muñoz, Republic Revisited

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s
Also unto God, what’s God’s

This great Republic, shadow of Rome
Boldly calls itself home
Of the brave, the free
The needy refugee

I won’t deny those words sting my eyes
Hope, pride, shame and compromise

America has lost her way
And in some ways that’s OK

My Homeland is no longer England’s Bride
But there is another shame she hides

Her Father hungered for land and would
Trade it With the Bands if he could
Bands bound for misery
Bands caged by savagery
Bands who roamed, but did not own lands
Bands in need of Liberty
Baptism into Modernity

A baptism of flame and blood
A tear-stained trail of pale-faced love

From coast to coast the blood was let
Savages tamed, her eyes were set
Upon herself where rot had spread
She stoked the flames, the blade she whet

With discipline and iron will
She struck her mind and heart until
No queer or treasonous word would spill
From lips who pledge to fight and kill

Roused to anger, she marched once more
To battle through seas and trample shores
The martial drum beat time and times
Displacing all her Father’s lines

Lines that tie
Lines that bind
Lines round necks were cast aside
Lines were drawn, crossed, moved and held
Till her foes, her children felled

In her bosom she embraces
All the genders, tribes and races
Letting down sweet mother’s milk
Wrapping each one up in silk
Everyone gets their own star
They see the stripes, but not the bars

The cost of all this? Not so high
Just that they return her love
And share her light
By sprinkling blood
Of Patriots who fight for you
And me so what more can we do?

Light a candle, snuff it out
Cry in the wilderness
Spread your doubt
Don’t take a knee
Stand and shout
This is enough

Fight for peace
Let them think
You a traitor
Be a Savior
Get fleeced by Caesar, hear her laughter
As she leads you to another disaster
Be a bother
Question slaughter

Are we any more free?
How’s our security
Is it brave to look away?
Did you forget you have a say?

Krishnakant vishwakarma


Anaetoh Peter


Shyam Mael


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Sedition Art Contest

The Espionage and Sedition Act of 1918

100 years ago, during World War I, the U.S. Congress passed the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1918. Wartime censorship was broadly applied and anything that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds could land you in jail for years.

The act was repealed on December 13, 1920, but not before thousands of people were convicted and jailed for what we consider free speech and freedom of expression.

In recognition of this muting of free speech we’re holding an art contest encouraging all antiwar activists to freely express their thoughts and images about diplomacy, foreign policy, and how we get to a more peaceful future.

We are looking for the best Pro Peace/ Antiwar expressions out there to help grow a movement of people working towards a more peaceful future. Can you help answer the question “How do we get there?”

Over $1500 in Prizes

  • 3 First Place prizes; $300 in BitcoinCash (sponsored by
  • 3 Second Place prizes; 7.0 ZenCash (sponsored by and a Remember Peace tee shirt (sponsored by
  • 3 Third prizes; 1oz Silver Card plus Peace Now tee shirt (sponsord by Roberts and Roberts Brokerage Inc.
  • Runner Up prize; written category; Peace Flag and a selection of Libertarian books (sponsored by Free Press Publications
  • Runner Up prizes; visual and musical categories; Signed copy of Fool’s Errand (sponsored by Scott Horton and Coffee Mug (sponsored by
  • Honorable Mention prizes; Tee shirt (sponsord by Students for Liberty and custom antiwar button set (sponsored by

How To Enter

Contest runs to May 31st 2018, with submissions due by 9pm pacific standard time. Winners will be contacted on or before May 15, with details about how to claim their prize. Winners will also be posted on May 16, 2018.

There are 3 entry categories:

  • VISUAL ART- original illustration, painting, collage, meme, photography, poster art
  • WRITTEN COMPOSITION- original short essays, poetry, slogans (500 words max)
  • MUSICAL ART- original songs, jingles, hip hop, musical composition

Each category will be judged separately and awarded first, second, third prizes and honorable mentions. Runner up prizes will cross categories.


To Enter, email to

  1. Put your full name (for attribution) and email address in the body of the email
  2. Label your file with your name and attach to your email
  3. Post/tweet your art along with #NoMoreWar and include a link to your post in the email.

File types to submit: doc, pdf, jpg, png, gif, mp3, mp4 (Please no large files/ large file services).

By submitting your entry you are giving permission to post, promote and reproduce your art with attribution on our websites, social media channels, and promotional materials and we may deem appropriate. You will also be invited to opt into our new PeaceNow call to action email which will keep you up to date on the contest and our other pro peace activities.

Enter as often as you wish but each entry must be submitted separately per the entry submission guidelines above.
Have a great time!

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Ping Pong Diplomacy

Time for Some Ping Pong Diplomacy

The 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, may be the thaw in relations between North Korea and South Korea and perhaps even with the United States.

In 1971, an exchange of table tennis (ping-pong) players between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) marked a thaw in Sino-American relations that paved the way to a visit to Beijing by President Richard Nixon. Editorial Director and Columnist Justin Raimondo’s recent article on Korean Nationalism explores why these games might have a similar effect. Indeed, Olympic inspired negotiations between North and South Korea has already involved diplomatic visits and a combining of their Olympic teams under the Korean Unification Flag.

In spite of recent military and political posturing, the U.S. is sending a diplomatic team to the Pyeongchang Olympics. This could be the best moment to de-escalate and normalize relations between North Korea and South Korea and the United States. To influence this, we want #PeaceNow to be our top hashtag. Show your support for peace and use #PeaceNow for all your social media posts and especially during the Olympic Games from February 9th through the 25th.

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Why We Do What We Do

Every day readers send fan mail. You know we appreciate it. Invariably, someone will ask “how do you all do what you do.” That’s easy. With a shoe string budget, a core of loyal readers and a small group of people who have made it their mission to end the violence that is U.S. foreign policy.

A question I received from historian Thaddeus Russell on his Unregistered podcast is why I do what I do? I paused. I do it for Momina Bibi.

In the fall of 2012, Momina Bibi, a 67-year-old grandmother, was picking okra in her garden when she was annihilated by a US drone strike. Ms. Bibi was the only midwife in her remote region of Waziristan.

It’s not unusual that civilians are killed by drone strikes; It’s rare that we ever learn the names of the victims of drone strikes or if there were any victims at all.

Behind each “militant” killed is a story. The story of a living breathing human being just like you and me. Someone with hopes, dreams and a family who treasured them. Someone who was never a threat to the health or safety of any US citizen anywhere.

The Washington Post, one of the most esteemed newspapers of record in the world, tells me otherwise. These killer robots, like the one that tore Momina Bibi’s body to shreds, should be presented to the public as “‘lethal UAV operations.’ It also suggested “elevating the conversation” to more-abstract issues, such as the ‘Inherent Right of Self-Defense’ and ‘Pre-emptive and Preventive Military Action.’”

As my own elderly mother would say, “What a load of horse #$%^!”

Many of you have met me. I do not suffer fools gladly — and I have no tolerance for senseless violence. Please help me give the support I need to help Eric, Scott, Jason and Justin sift through the horse pucky. Donate today. Every donation will be matched.

And thank you for another year of service to the peace movement.
Best and holiday blessings to you and yours,


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Armistice Day 2017

War is Over (If you want it)

Remember this song? It’s a favorite here at Released in 1971 as a protest of the Vietnam War, Happy Xmas (War is Over) goes, “So this is Christmas, And what have you done?”… As we approach Armistice Day and many remember the fallen and their sacrifice, we want to ask, gently, is it enough to just remember? honors all veterans, but we hold closely to the idea that Armistice Day is the end of war and the beginning of peace.

Current events seem to be driving, or perhaps more accurately reflecting, a willingness on the part of policy makers to engage in war (whether or not they legally declare it) therefore, it is more crucial than ever to push back in civil protest. Every day, protests by reporting on and curating other news sources’ stories about war activity around the globe. We believe that an informed population is an important step to countering the unchecked Military Industrial Complex that is driving our foreign policy.’s journalism and outspoken editorial practice has come at a price of increased agency scrutiny and government harassment, which we fought back against and won. We take this as a sign we are doing something right. Even though we take this risk, we want to insulate our supporters by looking at how we might offer our donors greater privacy and anonymity.

Help Us Spread Peace

November 11, will be making an important announcement regarding donor privacy and anonymity. Please help us reach the widest possible audience by joining our thunderclap. Peace needs a voice, your voice, to take a stand against a snooping government that uses intimidation to silence the pro peace movement.

Pledge to our thunderclap to deliver this message on Armistice Day, November 11, 2017. And engage in a little civil protest by tweeting/ instagramming your pro peace message with the hashtag #WhyIamAntiwar and win a Peace Now! tee shirt or red poppy pin.

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1000 Faces of Peace

On Inauguration Day (January 20, 2017), debuted the PEACE NOW! photo mosaic made from the selfies of antiwar supporters. Hundreds of people sent in selfies or photos of their friends, families, children and pets with the message that we are against this continual state of war. Since the 50’s, U.S. foreign policy and the extensive use of executive orders and put us on a path of unending aggression and provocation abroad. The financial and human costs have been high with no return on the promise of security at home.

Peace Now!

2017 is the 50th anniversary of the largest war protests of the 60’s. This Year, plans a year long campaign for Peace Now. You can start now by adding yourself to the PEACE NOW mosaic. Just send us your selfie with a pro peace message along with the hashtag #WhyIamAntiwar. You can see the mosaic, with searchable photos here. To make taking your selfies easy, we have a downloadable sign than you can print out or- preview it on a phone or tablet and take your selfie with it that way. We also have facebooktwitter and google + social media covers you can download.

Email your pro peace selfies to

Support PEACE NOW! runs on contributions from supporters like you. If you find value in what we do, please show us some love by visiting our Shop or simply donate.

Donations are tax deductible.

Download our apps or subscribe to the rss feed to keep informed on what’s really happening around the world.

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Why I Am Antiwar

You’ve heard of chaos theory. You might know it as the butterfly effect– a hurricane in China is caused by a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico. A more rigorous way to express this is that small changes can lead to large results. Our lives are an ongoing demonstration of this principle.

This is the “perfect storm” to escalate peace

We live in an age where thought and ideas travel as fast as a tweet and an instagram. Change can be achieved because of a cell phone and a facebook account. What will the long term effects be if millions of people Instagram pro-peace messages? What will the cultural and ultimately political effects be if we imagine and share a vision of a world without war? is a resource site providing tools and activities to promote peace. From social media campaigns and contests to merchandise that shows where you stand and helps fund our journalism and news site. The days of large peaceful sit-ins are gone. Now we can Escalate Peace in a different way.

Peace begins with US

Today, take part in our current campaign, “I’m already Against the Next War”. Through our free Thunderclap, you can add your reach to hundreds of others and send a message to the President. Additionally, post a selfie with a pro peace message like our sign along with the hashtag #WhyIamAntiwar. That’s it- you are Escalating Peace. Post pics with your friends, flash some peace signs or hand color t-shirts with pro peace messages and make sure to use our hashtag #WhyIamAntiwar.

We also have facebooktwitter and google + social media covers you can download.
These small changes will have big effects when we each reach out to people we know and ask them to renounce violence in favor of peaceful alternatives. needs your help

Remember that runs on your support and contributions. If you find value in what we do to further awareness of the war machine and in providing tools on how you can advance the peace movement, please show us some love by buying a Poppy Pin or simply donate.

If you check in with us on any of our social media channels you’ll always know when we have another call to action you can participate in. Download our apps or subscribe to the rss feed to keep informed on what’s really happening around the world.

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Already Against The Next War

Failed Foreign Policy of War

War is a failed instrument of U.S. foreign policy; it is immoral and against the principle ideas of sovereignty and freedom. The U.S spends 38% of the total global military budget of 1.56 trillion dollars- 4 times higher than China and 11.5 times higher than Russia.(1) Yet the use of war fails to produce the desired change. The real product of war policy, in addition to human casualties and material destruction, is a growing hatred of the U.S. as aggressors, an entrenchment of the military industrial complex, the compiling of massive and unsustainable public debt, and a reduction of personal freedoms here at home.

Moreover, the use of aggressive, yet undeclared war by the United States has resulted in an undemocratic shift of power from the legislative branch to the executive branch of government. The Constitution provides that “The Congress shall have power … To declare War…” Over the last 50 years, the office of the President has exclusively, and almost continuously, initiated aggressive foreign action. We can expect any new President to continue this destructive policy line despite the fact that a majority of Americans favor less intervention in foreign affairs.(2)

Join Our Thunderclap

Peace needs a voice, your voice, to tell the President that violent aggression has to stop. Continuous warfare is not ethical, legal or sustainable.
The President needs to hear, “I’m Already Against The Next War”.

Pledge to our thunderclap to deliver this message on Armistice Day, November 11, 2016. Be a part of Peace and tweet #WhyIamAntiwar.

** For Facebook Users: the Facebook token that authorizes us to push the thunderclap message expires 60 days after you pledge. Due to our long lead time, you will have to repledge on or after September 13. If you add your email when you sign up, we will send a reminder to you to repledge at that time. Already signed up? NO problem, just visit, sign back in with your facebook and add your email on the profile page.

(1) the International Institute for Strategic Studies World Military Balance 2016 (for 2015)

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Poppy Pins

Peace Requires Knowledge

The Washington bipartisan consensus for reckless and dangerous foreign policy requires constant vigilance. We can’t do it without your help. provides the most comprehensive news and opinions tracking the war party. Our original content coupled with links to breaking headlines keeps you abreast of the violent policies which endanger the principles upon which the United States was founded.

Wear a Poppy for Peace

We rely on our readers to help us keep the establishment’s feet to the fire. Support our effort. Show that you know peace matters. You can do that when you buy the limited edition Red Poppy Pin. The pin features the logo lapel pin nestled in the center of a handmade tissue and felt red poppy. Your purchase assures we stay on line. Wearing your pin gives another voice to peace.
Please contact for more information.