Every day readers send Antiwar.com fan mail. You know we appreciate it. Invariably, someone will ask “how do you all do what you do.” That’s easy. With a shoe string budget, a core of loyal readers and a small group of people who have made it their mission to end the violence that is U.S. foreign policy.
A question I received from historian Thaddeus Russell on his Unregistered podcast is why I do what I do? I paused. I do it for Momina Bibi.
In the fall of 2012, Momina Bibi, a 67-year-old grandmother, was picking okra in her garden when she was annihilated by a US drone strike. Ms. Bibi was the only midwife in her remote region of Waziristan.
It’s not unusual that civilians are killed by drone strikes; It’s rare that we ever learn the names of the victims of drone strikes or if there were any victims at all.
Behind each “militant” killed is a story. The story of a living breathing human being just like you and me. Someone with hopes, dreams and a family who treasured them. Someone who was never a threat to the health or safety of any US citizen anywhere.
The Washington Post, one of the most esteemed newspapers of record in the world, tells me otherwise. These killer robots, like the one that tore Momina Bibi’s body to shreds, should be presented to the public as “‘lethal UAV operations.’ It also suggested “elevating the conversation” to more-abstract issues, such as the ‘Inherent Right of Self-Defense’ and ‘Pre-emptive and Preventive Military Action.’”
As my own elderly mother would say, “What a load of horse #$%^!”
Many of you have met me. I do not suffer fools gladly — and I have no tolerance for senseless violence. Please help me give the support I need to help Eric, Scott, Jason and Justin sift through the horse pucky. Donate today. Every donation will be matched.
And thank you for another year of service to the peace movement.
Best and holiday blessings to you and yours,