It’s another election year and that means listening to politicians spout catchy slogans encouraging voters to pick them as supreme ruler. is launching our own campaign using pro-peace slogans to counter the propaganda voters are bombarded with this year. Supporters can submit their own pro-peace slogans over the next month for a chance to win merch. We’re looking for slogans with creativity, originality, & a positive, counter propaganda pro-peace message. No matter who wins this election, the empire will still reign, but at least we can poke fun at it & give away some prizes. is giving away 40 lapel pins, bumper stickers, & a copy of America’s War for the Greater Middle East by Andrew J. Bacevich to the best pro-peace slogans submitted on social media from 9/14 through 11/11. Five of the best slogans will also receive a copy of Scott Horton’s book Fool’s Errand. Here’s how to enter on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
To enter, tweet your best pro-peace slogan on twitter. Use the hashtag #PeaceSlogan and tag our secondary account @AntiwarNews
On Facebook, you can post the slogan directly to your personal profile page but to enter you either need to share that post with us in the Facebook group or post it directly to the group. Feel free to include the link to this blog post so others can learn about the giveaway and enter as well. Remember to include the hashtag #PeaceSlogan
If you are so graphically inclined and would like to also post your entry to Instagram as a graphic please tag our account and use the hashtag #PeaceSlogan. You can also just post a pro-peace image and include the slogan in the text area of the Instagram post.
Don’t use social media at all or have questions or problems? Email us at
Here are some examples we came up with to get you inspired:
Hey, hey Donald J, how many kids did you lock up today?
Better Peace Than Fleeced (Better Red Than Dead)
Peace, baby, Peace (Drill, baby, drill)
Make America Grateful Again
On November 15st, 40 of the best slogans will be chosen and you will be contacted to receive your prize. Don’t hold back but remember the slogan should resemble something that could be used in a peace campaign, not just insulting who’s in power.
Judging this contest was just plain hard–so many great submissions to review but we have finally settled on the best. Our criteria was based on simplicity, clean lines, & the effectiveness/closeness to old school poster propaganda. We also took into account evergreen ability and the use of slogans rather than quotes. All of the posters submitted will be shared daily on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts over the next two months and the winners will get a shout out on the BitcoinNotBombs Instagram account, our Facebook group and AntiwarNews backup Twitter account. Follow along on all the above social media feeds for updates, future contests and giveaway details. is blessed to have so many talented artists as supporters of our work and of peace. We have been talking about turning some of the art from this contest into T-Shirts and posters for sale and for future giveaways. Sign up for the PeaceNow email list to be notified of the relaunch of our store!
1st place winner and recipient of a 5oz silver pyramid ingot and 50gram silver skull ingot from Roberts and Roberts Brokerage is Matt Haas. Follow Matt on Instagram and check out his portfolio site here.
Do With Less/ Military Industrial Complex
2nd place winner and recipient of $100 worth of BitcoinCash from is Andrew Zehnder. Follow Andrew on Instagram and Twitter.
Why do the birds attack?
3rd place winner and recipient of $100 worth of BitcoinCash from is Willikin Wolf. Follow Willikin on Instagram and twitter.
The Fool Tarot Card
4th place winner and recipient of $100 worth of BitcoinCash from is Chris Primosic.
7th place winner and the recipient of a Make Art Not War T-Shirt from the PeaceNow shop is Druw Perez. Follow Druw on Instagram and Twitter.
No More War Fish/Bomb
8th place winner and the recipient of a Make Art Not War T-Shirt from the PeaceNow shop is Jeremiah Harding. Follow Jeremiah on Instagram and Twitter.
Don’t be a Drone
We have 10 Honorable mentions who will receive an swag pack including an assortment of books, pens and stickers.
These were not easy to pick either but some were a no-brainer. First up Was Don Nash of Salt Lake City. While one image in particular caught our eye, Don never stopped submitting images during the duration of the contest. 27 in total and you can see all of them along with all the other posters on the entire post here. Don’s are stacked at the bottom and you can also check out his art portfolio site here.
Won, Don Nash
Honorable mention #2. Kitty, Simple, a great take on a classic image yet honest.
I want you to have democracy or ill kill you.
Honorable mention #3. While the image is interesting this one is a take on a well know quote from the late co-founder Justin Raimondo. Thank you Natalie Fawn Danelishen.
War is not Patriotic
Honorable mention #4 Niketas Paloyannides, “Some real future” The use of the clock is powerful. Time is something we here in the peace community think about a lot. We just might be running out.
Some real Future
Honorable mention #5. Josh Everson “That Shining Beacon”. Do you ever get the impression that the very money in your hand is directly responsible for war?
That Shining Beacon
Honorable mention #6. Jan R. Weinberg “Fear Sells” And the media is perhaps even more responsible for the troubles of this world than the politicians.
Fear Sells
Honorable mention #7. Edgar Cards :Bring the Troops home” Simplicity, that’s it, that’s what we want.
Bring The Troops Home
Honorable mention #8. David Timothy Holdsworth “Repent.” Very simple.
Honorable mention #9. Danny Hellman. “Two parties one agenda” We shied away from some of the images of the current president for evergreen ability but this one hits home what we have said for years, They are the same.
Two Parties One Agenda
Honorable mention #10. Last but never least is long time Antiwar supporter, graphic designer and BitcoinNotBombs co-founder Davi Barker. “Stop Wars” Pop culture references are powerful and this one has a long history in libertarian circles. This image and slogan is what in many ways was the impatience for the creation of the Bitcoin Not Bombs logo.
Stop Wars
Thank you to everyone who participated in our poster art contest and congratulations to the winners. View all of the entries here and feel free to download your favorites and share them as you like. Until next time, Peace!
The Antiwar Poster art contest has ended with 24 amazing artists submitting 88 wonderful Antiwar posters. Have a look below and feel free to download your favorites to share with your friends on social media.
AN EYE FOR AN EYE MAKES THE WHOLE WORLD BLINDApocalypse nowArmageddonGunter grassMerry Christmas YemenMonkey with a hand grenadePAUL CRAIG ROBERTS QUOTEWar is a racketWAR NO MORE
And last but defiantly not least is Don Nash of Salt Lake City. The most prolific contestant with 28 posters. Check out his portfolio site here.
Please feel free to download your favorite antiwar posters and share them on your own social media pages. We will be announcing the winners soon and you can be the first to know about the winners and future contests by subscribing to the PeaceNow newsletter.
Thank you all for participating in the Antiwar Poster Art Contest!
New site coming soon with new products. Stay tuned! Dismiss